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Blog #11: BBG Ch. 10

For this blog post, I will be writing about assembling a multi genre project. A multi genre projection is defined by the BBG as a...

Blog 10

I am really happy with the all around experience while writing project 2. For my topic, I wrote about Heart Race, my sororities spring...

Project 2: 2000 word draft

My entire life, up until now, I have grown up attending private catholic schools. I have grown up being a part of an environment that...

Project 2: 1500 draft

My entire life, up until now, I have grown up attending private catholic schools. I have grown up being a part of an environment that...

Project 2: 500 Word Draft

My entire life, up until now, I have grown up attending private catholic schools. I have grown up being a part of an environment that...

Blog 8: Blog About It

For this blog post I am going to talk about my project 2 topic. For project two, I am writing my paper on my sororities philanthropy...

Blog #7: Ch. 5 BBG

For this blog post, I decided to read Chapter 5 on Exploring Topics and Creating a Research Proposal. I thought reading this chapter...

BLOG #6: Consider The Lobster

Although I am not a lover of seafood, I still was saddened by the way losbters' are cooked alive. Growing up as a child, I would visit...

Blog #5: Ch. 2 "Narrative Genres" BBG

As a human, we share stories everyday. We often share them with our friends, through media, and through narratives. It is important to...

Blog #4: BBG Ch. 9: Revising & Remixing Your Work

Revising and remixing your work while receiving helpful feedback is an essential step in forming a stronger foundation for your work....

Blog #3: Shitty First Drafts

I find a sense of relief when I read about how Anne Lamott stresses the importance of writing a "shitty first draft." Even the most...

Blog #2: I Once Was Miss America

Although Gay never became Miss America, we all have our moments that make us believe that we can accomplish anything. Her moment started...

Blog #1: BBG Ch. 1

In this first chapter of The Bedford Book of Genres, the authors goal is to help their audience find a better understanding of genres and...

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