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My entire life, up until now, I have grown up attending private catholic schools. I have grown up being a part of a community that requires service work, giving back to the community and supporting local philanthropies. Helping others has always been a part of me, and it always will. I knew going into college I wanted to be a part of a community full of loving and caring people, which is why I decided to join a sorority. At first, I was hesitant because I was only accustomed to small, local fundraisers and service work. I wasn’t used to extravagant philanthropy events that I would always see on social media from multiple sororities. I almost thought it was unreal how a group of girls could be so active in their communities and constantly working towards the common goal to give back, but I am so glad I am a part of that group of girls now. Internationally, The Alpha Phi Foundation raises millions of dollars annually to help support research focused on women’s heart care and raise awareness for women’s heart disease. Also, every Alpha Phi in the nation hosts a Red Dress Gala which raises a majority of the money we donate to our philanthropy. At Florida State University, we call this philanthropy Women’s Heart Health. Working so closely with my sisters for such an amazing cause is treasured memory.

            I remember all the work that was put into our gala, the hours spent decorating, planning, and organizing all while hosting other mini fundraising events. Our most memorable and crowd favorite event we host every year at our house is known as Taco Phi’st. I mean who doesn’t love taco’s, especially all you can eat tacos from 5-8 for just $5! I remember selling tickets to my friends and classmates; I don’t remember one person giving up the opportunity for tacos. All of the food needed for the tacos were donated to Alpha Phi by a local restaurant and was served by us! The event itself was in fact a true taco feast filled with genuine smiles and happy, full customers. I remember walking through the door for the first time and seeing all of our ideas made in reality. Our philanthropy chair was incredible at listening to each member’s ideas and contributions for our fundraiser. Knowing that my thoughts, ideas, interests, and concerns are always heard is really reassuring to me, especially when it involves something that is important to me.  My job at the beginning of the event was to sell tickets at the door for those who didn’t buy a ticket in advance. We had music playing and other girls standing outside the house greeting and welcoming our guests. I enjoyed selling tickets at the front and especially seeing all my friends donating and supporting my sororities philanthropy. As the night progressed, I shifted from working outside to serving taco’s inside. Our main room was never empty and we were always busy making peoples tacos to their liking. Multiple people came up for seconds, even thirds, which made me happy because firstly, I would probably be doing the same, and secondly, they weren’t joking around and didn’t pass up the “all you can eat” deal with the tacos. Towards the end of the night, all the sisters were still smiling and working hard for a cause that we are all are passionate about.

I have never been a part of an organization that is just as passionate about philanthropy as I am, which is why I love doing what I do ten times more. Taco Phi’st was my first philanthropy event as a member of Alpha Phi and set the bar high for our main event, the Red Dress Gala. Working so closely with some of my best friends was one of the best experiences of my life. Being surrounded by hundreds of other girls who share the same compassion and goals to help our community is unimaginable. Watching all you hard work fall into place for the greater good is a feeling that I never want to un feel. The constant warmth in my heart motivates me to get more involved in my sorority and in my surrounding community.  My love for philanthropy steadily grew throughout the years, and now more than ever, I feel overwhelmingly involved and passionate. Even though I am just freshman, I thank my sorority, Alpha Phi, for introducing me to a philanthropy that means more than anything to me.

Polished final draft

           “Can I see your id ma’am?” I was asked as I arrived at the prom, smiling ear to ear, gazing up at the lights shinning above. The entire pavilion was surrounded by beautiful, delicate decorations and hundreds of other volunteers dressed accordingly. The feeling of being a part of a community, with my sisters by my side, is absolutely amazing. The closer and closer I got to being at the edge of the red carpet, the more anxious I grew waiting to be assigned a buddy. As each buddy entered, they walked the red carpet with their date as everyone else cheered them on. The buddies’ smile’s and constant applause gave me chills throughout the night. As a few minutes went by, I finally found my date, Jacob. He stood there holding his moms’ hands, unsure of what was yet to happen. His massive black Bose headphones, playing the song “I Will Follow” by Chris Tomlin on repeat, seemed to drown out the noise and calm his nerves before we entered the prom. There was no better feeling than walking down the red carpet with Jacob and his mother. The smiles, the cheers, and the energy all for Jacob is something I will never forget. The Night to Shine prom sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation is an event like no other.

            Once we were inside the prom Jacobs mom, Kristen, told me “Jacob has non-verbal autism and even though he does not like to speak, he loves dancing and listening to music” and she also mentioned how I was his first date! I saw the excitement in their eyes when she said that; it was pure happiness. What she said was so simple but it was so meaningful to me that I was given the honor to be Jacobs first real date. Shortly after casually conversing, I turned to Jacob and asked him if he wanted to dance. He immediately started jumping up and down in excitement and grabbed my hand as we ran off into the middle of the dance floor. Jacob instantly started dancing with the music playing out loud; it didn’t matter that he was wearing a pair of headphones himself. I started catching onto his dance moves pretty quickly and eventually learned how to do his signature move. Step by step, learning his dance (stomping and clapping) was one of the funniest and most memorable parts of the night. We stomped and clapped all over the lively dancefloor surrounded by hundreds of others dancing the night away.

            In between breaking out our impressive dance moves, Jacob and I walked around the venue venturing for our next activity. He quickly found the shoe shining booth and sat down quickly, waiting eagerly for his shoes to be polished. I remember standing beside him, watching his face glow as he admired his shoes completely transform into something radiantly new. I have never seen anyone light up with happiness the way Jacob did in those few moments. His smile grew more and more as the volunteer rubbed his shoe with an old rag and polish, making them as sparkly as a diamond. The way he reacted reminded me how the simplest things in life can bring true, authentic, raw happiness. Actions do speak louder than words, and for Jacob this is evident. His happiness and excitement was contagious, it spread throughout the room faster than the flu, and I sure was infected.

            Before we knew it, we were back in the middle of the energetic dance floor. We were completely surrounded by a whirlwind of laughter and smiles; it all seemed surreal. After stomping the night away, the crowd instantly stopped when Tim Tebow appeared on the overhead screen. Tebow’s video message was beyond inspirational and touched my heart. I was left with the thought that everyone is worthy and deserves to be loved and that through faith and hope, lives can change.

The time has now come to crown every buddy as the king and queen of the dance. The song “This Is Me” from the movie The Greatest Showman, started playing throughout the room and gave me instant chills. The disc jockey couldn’t have chosen a more perfect song for the prom, it is empowering and encourages individuals to be proud of who you are, no matter your flaws.  As the song blared through the speakers, the intense spotlight shined on the table full of crowns, glistening in the light. Towers and towers of gold crowns for the boys and silver tiaras for the girls flooded the table, looking like pirates treasure. Jacob was instantly drawn to the shiny objects; you could see the sparkles glistening in his eyes. I could tell he was excited to be crowned, so I took his hand and walked with him to grab his crown. I proudly crowned him king of the prom with hopes he’d be even more excited, but in reality, he hated it. He loved looking and admiring the crown, but the second the crown touched his head, his entire mood changed. His reaction was completely unpredictable and reminded me of Florida’s weather, one second it’s sunny and the next there’s a tropical storm. I was caught off guard by his reaction and was slightly upset at the fact that he did not like his crown.

            Although Jacob hated wearing the crown, he had no issue going back to just admiring it in his hands. He admired the shiny crown the way he admired his polished shoes. The simplest things lit up his eyes and gave him happiness, which is one of the things I admired about him. He reminds me that happiness is not always found in places we ought to think they do. It makes me happy knowing that I was a part of such a special night in his life and that he was able to share his happiness with me. His presence touched me and inspired me to share my happiness with the world. One night impacted my outlook on life and made me appreciate the smaller things in life. I may have given him a night full of smiles and memories, but he gave me a lifetime of happiness that I can’t find elsewhere. I know he doesn’t understand, but he truly is special and amazing to me. He is a king every day in my eyes, and to the rest of the world.  

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